

Hello! I have just finished the first draft of my research report and am feeling a little nervous as the submission date seems to be quite close now! I have been feeling a little lost about how to begin improving my essay further as I still feel I have a long way to go. I decided to re-read the Module Three handbook to remind myself of the aims and learning objectives and this has certainly given me some things to revisit and work on. I am looking forward to receiving some feedback in the next few weeks. I was wondering how others are getting on with their inquiry? Please feel free to leave comments below, I'd love to hear. Becky x


Hello, Just wanted to check in on my blog. I have recently been exploring the many different ways I might create my Artefact. After a considering the different ways to do this and quick Skype discussion with my tutor, I have decided to use choreography as a way of presenting my Artefact. As a dancer, using choreography will really give me an opportunity to express the journey of my inquiry. Has anyone else been thinking of creative ways to make their Artefact? Please feel free to comment below! Becky x

All part of a journey!

Hello! Recently, I noticed that my inquiry research was taking me in a different direction. At first I felt uneasy by this and as though I was going off on a tangent but then realised that maybe this was the destination that I was supposed to reach all along. When embarking on the inquiry process my title read 'How does nutrition impact and affect injury?'. From gathering my research and talking with my tutor, I was reminded that this process is all part of a journey and that maybe I would like to develop this question further. So I have taken the bold decision to not be afraid of developing my title which is now 'Are dancers informed about nutrition and its impact on injury?'. I haven't had to alter much at all about my inquiry research and plan but I  feel like this is the question I was always looking for. I believe this will more positively impact my practice as a dancer and teacher along with my interest in education. I hope this may help someone who is deve

Module 3 Focus Skype Discussion 01.10.19

Hello! I wanted to write a little bit about the Module 3 Focus Skype Discussion for those that were unable to attend. One concept that we discussed was Triangulation. This is something that has been a bit of a grey area for me until now. From discussing Triangulation and unpicking the definition I feel I have a better understanding and really want to apply it to my inquiry data collection and analysis process. After looking up definitions of triangulation I have summarised it to this: 'Application and combination of several research methods in the study of an inquiry'. Adesola also discussed a great analogy which really helped me to understand even further... If you were to push a square, it will change shape. However, triangles are strong structures. Using three sides (e.g. using three research methods rather than one) then this provides strength. Rather than just using a 1:1 comparison, we can see three sides and analyse in greater depth. I really hope this helps

Skype Discussion 25.09.19

Hello! I am just writing a quick post for anyone that was unable to attended last nights Skype discussion. Something that I really took away from the call is how to deal with the feeling of being a bit lost when it comes to starting a new Module. There were a few of us on the call who all agreed that after a bit of time off we were finding it slightly hard to get back on our feet. We came up with some techniques to try and combat this which included refreshing yourself by reading over your Module Two work (including the MORE form) and not being afraid that you feel a bit lost. It's better to keep ploughing through, asking yourself deeper questions and jotting down everything as you go along. Then hopefully, everything should click into place! Please feel free to comment below! Becky x

Literature Review

Just a really quick post! I was finding it really difficult to know where to begin when it came to carrying out my inquiry. I felt I had planned so much and still felt slightly lost so I decided to get looking into what is already out there on my inquiry topic to refresh my memory. Today I began my literature review for my module three research report essay. I am currently exploring the different perspectives on my inquiry title which is: "How can a dancers nutrition impact and effect injury?". I have been looking into two well known dance nutrition authors Zerlina Mastin and Emily Harrison as well as researching some of the articles on The International Association of Dance Medicine and Science website. I was wondering how other module three students are getting on with their work and how they have made a start on their inquiry? Feel free to comment below. Becky x

Data collection and analysis!

Hi Everyone! I hope the first week back is going well for you all. Today I read through the Module 3 handbook again, made notes and annotated it. I found this really useful and now have some conscice notes on what to remeber during the stages of my inquiry. Something that I have found a bit daunting is the data collection and analysis side of things so wanted to share some really useful notes and tips that I discovered with you all. Data Collection: The idea is not to find an 'answer' but to find more questions and dig deeper. How does literature, art, books, resources offer something? Challange your way of thinking! Consider the many different views and perspectives. How do these views differ from yours and others? 'Clews' -This is the concept of interweaving ideas. Not just taking the straight road route from A to B but stopping along the way and exploring all of the ideas. -Weave through different ideas and perspectives.  'Connectivity' -The